Source code for rodario.decorators

""" Function decorators for rodario framework """

# local
from rodario.util import acquire_lock

# pylint: disable=R0903,W0613

[docs]class DecoratedMethod(object): """ Generic decorated method """ #: Set of decorator tags decorations = set() #: List of before-hook functions before = list() #: List of after-hook functions after = list()
[docs] def __init__(self, func, decorations=None, before=None, after=None): """ Wrap the given function. :param function func: The function to wrap :param set decorations: The decorator tags to attach :param list before: The list of before-hook functions :param list after: The list of after-hook functions """ self._func = func self._instance = None self.decorations = set( decorations) if decorations is not None else set() self.before = list(before) if before is not None else list() self.after = list(after) if after is not None else list()
def __get__(self, obj, cls=None): """ Return the callable and store a reference to the class instance. :param object obj: The instance object :param type cls: The type of the object :rtype: :class:`rodario.decorators.DecoratedMethod` """ self._instance = obj return self def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the wrapped function and map `self` to the stored instance. :rtype: mixed """ result = None # call each of its before-hook bindings first for callee in self.before: result = callee(self._instance, *args, **kwargs) if result is not None: return result result = self._func(self._instance, *args, **kwargs) # now call each of the after-hook bindings for callee in self.after: mutated = callee(self._instance, result, *args, **kwargs) if mutated is not None: return mutated return result @staticmethod
[docs] def decorate(func, decorations=None, before=None, after=None): """ Decorate the given function. If it is already a `DecoratedMethod`, it will be appended to rather than overwritten. :param set decorations: The decorator tags to attach :param list before: The list of before-hook functions :param list after: The list of after-hook functions :rtype: :class:`rodario.decorators.DecoratedMethod` :returns: A ``DecoratedMethod`` wrapper around ``func`` """ if isinstance(func, DecoratedMethod): if decorations is not None: func.decorations |= set(decorations) if before is not None: func.before += list(before) if after is not None: func.after += list(after) else: func = DecoratedMethod(func, decorations, before, after) return func
[docs]def singular(func): """ First-come, first-served cluster channel call. Needs some work; should accept parameters for context and expiry. :param function func: The function to wrap :rtype: :class:`rodario.decorators.DecoratedMethod` """ context = None def before_singular(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Call the method if we can get a lock. :rtype: mixed :returns: None if a lock is acquired; otherwise, False. """ # pylint: disable=W0212 if not acquire_lock(func.__name__, conn=self._redis): return False def after_singular(self, result, *args, **kwargs): """ Clean up the lock. """ lock_context = 'global.lock' if not context else context lock_name = '%s:%s' % (lock_context, func.__name__) self._redis.delete(lock_name) # pylint: disable=W0212 return DecoratedMethod.decorate(func, ('singular',), (before_singular,), (after_singular,))